Interlacement(s) exhibition, Marjolein Dallinga
From June 13, 2024 to September 22, 2024 at MAC LAU:
(LAUrentides Contemporary Art Museum, 101 Place Curé-Labelle, Saint–Jérôme 450-432-7171)
Marjolein Dallinga, Jannick Deslauriers, Valérie Gobeil, Marie-Josée Laframboise and Elisabeth Picard.
The premise of this exhibition is primarily anchored in the management method of the MAC LAU (Musée d’Art Contemporain des LAUrentides, 101 Place Curé-Labelle, Saint–Jérôme 450-432-7171) where the intersection of expertise is encouraged. Unconventional in type, this management is organized on a transversal operating mode which distributes responsibilities by taking advantage of the complementary expertise of each member of the team. This approach is based on interrelationships between individuals rather than hierarchical relationships. This exhibition project comes from the educational sector and cultural mediation team. One of the components of the exhibition aims to highlight MAC LAU’s vision regarding cultural mediation. Cultural mediation devices were developed by the team specifically for this exhibition, particularly with the aim of sampling the public. They are invited to understand the works selected by the mediators through the body in action, through the senses, through interaction, through doing and through observation.
Thus, the installation created in situ by Marie-Josée Laframboise completely transforms the space, leading the visitor to move through the work in order to perceive it from different points of view. Attached to the walls of the exhibition room, the net, whose primary protective function is diverted here, is put under tension forming a reticular network.
In resonance with this installation, the light sculpture Flot, by Elisabeth Picard, composed of self-locking fasteners, takes the form of a monochrome topography. Used in her practice as a material of choice, Picard designs, thanks to this plastic material that she ties, structural assemblies evoking in particular the architecture of the elements of nature. The artist has a resolutely contemporary approach to artisanal manufacturing techniques linked in particular to the field of textiles or basketry, which she diverts in an innovative way.
Composed of tule, organza and thread, Jannick Deslauriers’ sculptures have a strong symbolic charge which gives the works a poetic dimension. The work entitled Boat inevitably invites us to introspectively probe the emotions it awakens in us.
For her part, the artist Valérie Gobeil paints on a large scale with the colored fiber using the tufting technique, a semi-industrial punch embroidery technique. The visitor will also be invited to experiment with the technique in an educational space set up in the exhibition room.
The organicity that emerges from the sculptural works of the artist Marjolein Dallinga is evident. The artist specializes in the water felting technique. The public will also be invited to experiment with this technique in the company of cultural mediators via the MAC LAU Mobile exhibition.
From this unconventional approach emerges an exhibition bringing together a body of works with the underlying theme of intertwining: materials, know-how and expertise.
As part of this exhibition:
Valérie Gobeil, tufting workshop
Dates: to come
Duration: 3 hours
By reservation
Interlacing(s): The mobile part of MAC LAU
Considered as the off-site component of the exhibition presented indoors, the work entitled Gray Matter by Marjolein Dallinga will be presented and the public will be invited to experiment with the water felting technique with cultural mediators. The Mobile will travel almost everywhere in the Laurentians this summer. Watch for upcoming dates.