Bloomfelt news
Bloomfelt and Marjolein Dallinga; a Press review
Small media world tour about Bloomfelt There are more and more articles dedicated to the works of Marjolein Dallinga, whether at the level of exhibitions, events or workshops led by the artist around the world. Feltmakers Ireland Very nice article from the National Guild of Felt Makers, Feltmakerss Ireland - Creating works of art with fibre - Posted on January 30, 2020 "Interview with Marjolein Darllinga" The workshop will be given from 29 to 31 May 2020, for the conditions see online on the site or the Facebook page of Feltmakers...
MARY E. BLACK GALLERY 1061 Marginal Rd, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4P7, Canada Nov 7, 2019 - Jan 19, 2020 Marjolein Dallinga was born in the Netherlands where she studied Fine Arts. She moved to Quebec, Canada, in 1989 to pursue her art career through making art books and jewelry.. She discovered the craft of felting after her immigration. « I came to feel that felting was the medium most suitable for my artistic expression. Coming from a fine arts background I find the tension between the world of art and the world of craft very...
Portneuf International Linen Biennale from June 15 to September 29
Marjolein Dallinga will exhibit his new work "The Vessels of the Heart (2019) - Wool and Linen" at the Portneuf linen Biennale, which will take place from June 15 to September 29, 2019! "Never ask your way to someone who knows it, because you could not go astray" Rabbi Nachman The detours of the heart, its secret folds. With this theme "Byways and drifways", I went simply playing with wool - an animal fiber - and with flax - a plant fiber. Everything in my work expresses something both animal and vegetative world so the...
Felt sense
Or who has invented my life? For more than twenty years, creations were made mostly with wool. All kinds of things really: toys , scarves ,dresses, and handbags but also wall hangings ,sculptures and fantastic costumes. If the medium is the message, as the Canadian Marshall McLuhan stated, then what is the revelation of this material? Are we artists not all driven by the tension between the desire to communicate and the desire to hide ? Inspirations came and come from so many direction — some from walks in the forest ,some from...
WORKSHOP OF BOCAGE 31, occitania, France
WORKSHOP OF BOCAGE 31 Training center textile, wool felt, fiber and color Such. : 33 (0) 561 981 222 Siret number: 481 360790000 28 Training organization number: 73 3107496 31 Address: LA COUECH - 31310 MONTBRUN-BOCAGE - France Join the artist MARJOLEIN DALLINGA from July 15 to July 24 2019 for a summer residence in the south of France, a two-part manual wool felt session. Marjolein Dallinga was born in the Netherlands where she studied fine arts. She moved to Montreal, Canada, in 1989 to pursue her...
“Flourish: Marjolein Dallinga & Jantje Visscher” opens at South Dakota Art Museum
Flourish ! By Carolyne Hart February 26, 2019 Telephone number: 605-688-4313 Flourish: Marjolein Dallinga & Jantje Visscher, a Jodi Lundgren curated exhibition, opens today at South Dakota Art Museum and runs through Aug. 4, 2019. As the museum’s Curator of Exhibits, Lundgren is adept at identifying and connecting artists and works with contrasting styles and mediums tied together through common themes and sources of inspiration. In Flourish, visitors experience Marjolein Dallinga’s intriguing felted sculptural works...
Important: The new appointments will be added as they are finalized CANADA : BRITISH COLOMBIA ; KELOWNA May 6th - 10th Wearable art Contact : FRANCE : OCCITANIA ; 31310 MONTBRUN-BOCAGE Feutre Formation France July 15th - 24th France : La Couech, 31310 Montbrun-Bocage Phone : 05 61 98 12 22 July 15th-17th Sculptural felt July 20th-24th wearable art Feutre Formation France Web page : Facebook Home Page Contact : AUSTRIA ; VIENNA Sawatoo Fiber Artist « Form in Felt...
Bloomfelt in USSR in october !
The prestigious international exhibition tour WOW - World of Wearable Art move to St-Petersburg in Russia ! Erarta Museum, St Petersburg, on Saturday 6th October 2018 until Sunday 3rd February 2019, not a revolution ! We are delighted to advise you that the latest WOW – World of Wearable Art exhibition will open to the public in St Petersburg, Russia at the Erarta Museum on Saturday 6th October 2018 where it will be showcased until Sunday 3rd February 2019. The Erarta Museum is the largest private museum in Russia, whose...
Bloomfelt – exposition in Montreal
There will be an exhibition of Marjolein Dallinga's artistic works from September 21 to October 28, 2018 at Salon Laurette 1850 Center Street in Montreal H3K 1J2 opening on September 21st at 5 pm Felt Marjolein Dallinga and watercolors Anne-Laure Bixquert You are welcome