Training center textile, wool felt, fiber and color
Such. : 33 (0) 561 981 222
Siret number: 481 360790000 28
Training organization number: 73 3107496 31
Address: LA COUECH – 31310 MONTBRUN-BOCAGE – France
Join the artist MARJOLEIN DALLINGA from July 15 to July 24 2019 for a summer residence in the south of France, a two-part manual wool felt session.
Marjolein Dallinga was born in the Netherlands where she studied fine arts. She moved to Montreal, Canada, in 1989 to pursue her artistic career by making art books and jewelry. While raising a family, her creativity led her to make toys and teach art classes. This led her to discover felting, and she is now working in this environment.
CIRQUE DU SOLEIL, a world-renowned artist, has been interested in Marjolein’s work, and over the past five years she has been experimenting with felt for designing their costumes while creating finished products for their shows.
Marjolein has her own company,, and works from her studio with sewing and dyeing rooms. She has taught felting for fifteen years in North and South America, Europe and Australia. Last year, she won three awards for her costumes made for the WOW (world of wearable art) in New Zealand.
For more information:
His workshop of artistic practice manual wool felt will take place in two parts, separated by two days “off” during which the workshop will remain available to students who need it or, for those who wish, activities will be organized .
1st PART: from July 15th to 17th:
Sculptural felting workshop of 3 days: “inside out, upside down“, or “upside down“
It is from the dance of conflicting emotions that creativity and art are born. Although sculpture is generally perceived as static, I see it more as a movement, the movement of wool from the fibers to the felt.
And as long as there is movement, there is life.
This three-day workshop will deepen the awareness of the experiences learned from sculpture with felt and other fibers. We will explore different ideas of sculptural forms, with the theme “upside down”, to become more aware of how we want to use this medium and why. We will focus on the basics like color, design and artwork concepts.
Students will be challenged to play with their own designs using sculptural felting techniques, deepening their knowledge of the creative process, focusing on the path and not the end result. It is an experimental discovery workshop.
At the end of each day, we will discuss creations to increase awareness of color and design choices. An exhibition of all the work will complete the course. You do not create art, it already exists, you must let it come to you, go where art is instead of trying to create it.
Act according to your imagination and your creativity, without attachment to the result.
JULY 18 and 19 :
2 DAYS OFF with workshop availability and organization of activities
PART 2: JULY 20-24 :
5 days workshop
“Wearable art“
“Sartorial art“
This five-day workshop will deepen the awareness of the experiences learned from sculpture with felt and other fibers. We will explore different ideas of sculptural forms, with themes such as: folding and unfolding, relief construction, addition of shape to another surface. All to become more aware of how and why we want to use this support.
This workshop is inspired by the idea of working to make a portable sculpture, a “sartorial” sculpture. In the first days, we will play with the processes of shortening, thickening, tightening and narrowing of the felted surfaces, in order to realize our original element of sculptural artistic clothing.
We will focus on the basic elements of color, design, and design of a work of art. Students will be challenged to play with their own designs using sculptural felting techniques, while deepening their knowledge of the creative process by focusing on the idea of travel. It is an experimental discovery workshop. At the end of each day, we will discuss creations to increase awareness of color and design choices. An exhibition of all the work will complete the course. You do not create art, it already exists, you must let it come to you, go where art is instead of trying to create it, Act according to your enthusiasm, without attachment to the result!
- Costume Creation: Bloomfelt; Marjolein Dallinga for World of Wearable Art – New Zealand
Experience in basic felting techniques is required to follow this workshop.
Maximal 12 students*
To download a registration form directly to this workshop: yes I click on the link below:
To consult the web page of Marjolein Dallinga
To consult the Facebook page of Marjolein Dallinga
Facebook page of Felt Training France
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