Bloomfelt news

The Space Between Art and Craft
Marjolein Dallinga: The Space Between Art and Craft Very nice interview of Marjolein Dallinga with the prestigious Australian company "Friday Feature Artist" of which here is the transcription, to see the original article on the original site: Marjolein is a fibre artist and in her Friday Feature Artist interview with us Marjolein shared her passion for wool, her philosophy on failure and how she is influenced by craft. Marjolein's Friday Feature Artist Interview can be...
Exhibition Interlacing(s) – Marjolein Dalllinga
Interlacement(s) exhibition, Marjolein Dallinga From June 13, 2024 to September 22, 2024 at MAC LAU: (LAUrentides Contemporary Art Museum, 101 Place Curé-Labelle, Saint–Jérôme 450-432-7171) Artists: Marjolein Dallinga, Jannick Deslauriers, Valérie Gobeil, Marie-Josée Laframboise and Elisabeth Picard. The premise of this exhibition is primarily anchored in the management method of the MAC LAU (Musée d’Art Contemporain des LAUrentides, 101 Place Curé-Labelle, Saint–Jérôme 450-432-7171) where the intersection of...
Marjolein Dallinga workshop in Uruguay 2024
MARJOLEIN DALLINGA WORKSHOP IN URUGUAY October 24 to 28, 2024 and October 31 to November 6, 2024 LA SERENA WORKSHOPS, ROCHA MONTÉVIDEO WORKSHOPS November 9 to November 13, 2024 MARJOLEIN DALLINGA IN URUGUAY - MONTEVIDEO #1 FEEL FIT SCULPTURAL FELTING Montevideo, from November 9 to November 11 This 3-day workshop will deepen awareness of experiences learned while sculpting with felt and other fibers. We will explore different ideas of sculptural forms, with themes such as: folding and unfolding, building reliefs, adding form to...
New images gallery
Some of my works [dsm_masonry_gallery gallery_ids="8877,8875,8873,8871,8869,8865,8863,8861,8859,8857,8855,8853,8851,8849,8845,8843,8841,8839,8837,8835,9336,9334" use_overlay="on" overlay_title="off" overlay_caption="off" use_lightbox="on" overlay_color="rgba(174,192,206,0.55)" use_zoom_on_hover="on" _builder_version="4.25.1" _module_preset="default" image_title_level="h2" image_title_font="|600|||||||" image_title_text_color="#000000" image_title_font_size="29px" image_desc_font="|600|||||||" image_desc_text_color="#4F6698"...
Marjolein in Europe, the Netherlands from april 15 to 27
TRAINING MARJOLEIN THE NETHERLANDS 2024 Oosterwoldseweg 33 8421RR Oldeberkoop Nederland +31(0)516451020 Masterclass # 1, from april 15 to 17 Masterclass # 2 from april 19 to 21 Masterclass # 3 from april 25 to 27...
Marjolein in Europe, France from may 9 to 15
Training Felt 2024 from may 9 to 15 Montbrun-Bocage 31310 – France MARJOLEIN DALLINGA SCULPTURAL FELTING WORKSHOP 2 three days session Colors, rhythms and shapes information & registration :
An article by journalist ÉRIC CLÉMENT, LA PRESSE, Montreal Quebec to consult below: IN THE WORKSHOP OF… MARJOLEIN DALLINGA FELT ART AT ITS BEST Resident of the Laurentians, Marjolein Dallinga is one of the great artists specializing in felt, a fashionable material in contemporary art. We met the renowned artist of Dutch origin, who works regularly with the entertainment world, notably with Cirque du Soleil and the Théâtre du Nouveau Monde.HIS JOURNEY Born in the Netherlands, Marjolein Dallinga learned to sew when she was young....
Exposition Bloomfelt : Felt Experience – Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Vermont, USA
"Felt Experience' Offers Touchable Sculpture at Brattleboro Museum & Art Center Par PAMELA POLSTON @PAMELA7D An article published on September 7, 2022 on the SEVEN DAYS Site, VERMONT'S INDEPENDENT VOICEIn a departure from typical hands-off rules, the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center invites visitors to touch the art — that is, one installation in a group exhibit titled "Felt Experience." And, yes, it refers to sculptures made of felt. Artist Stephanie Metz made the six organic-looking "pods," as she calls them, that hang like...
Felt Experience Bloomfelt Brattleboro Museum Vermont USA
Felt Experience Bloomfelt June 18 - October 10, 2022 Brattleboro Museum & Art Center Brattleboro, Vermont, 05301, USA Felt is an ancient material, predating woven cloth. It connects us to the earth and its animals; it is an extraordinarily sensorial medium imbued with history. Felt can awaken childhood memories of a pre-digital age when our direct interaction with the world helped to awaken our senses. Think of the protective feel of warm winter sweaters, the smells of animals in petting zoos, or interactive childhood...